Saturday, September 21, 2013

Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization

What is Synchronization ?
Synchronization is a way to control the access to a shared resource in multithreaded environment in such a way that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time. Synchronization is achieved through the concept of monitor. A monitor is an exclusive lock that is obtained on an object by a thread when a synchronized method is called on the object ( or a synchronized block is executed ). 

Intrinsic lock / Monitor lock.
Intrinsic lock or monitor lock plays an important role in different aspects of synchronization :
  • It enforces exclusive access to object's state .
  • It establishes Happens-before relationship that is essential for visibility .

synchronized keyword is used to denote that a particular block of code is to be executed in a monitor. Synchronization can be done in two ways :

1. Synchronized methods .
synchronized keyword can be used with both instance methods and static methods .
// Synchronizing instance methods . Lock will be taken on the current object i.e object used to call the method doStuff().
public synchronized void doStuff(){
    // Statements to be executed in monitor.

// Synchronizing static methods . Lock will be taken on class instance ( java.lang.Class ) 
public static synchronized void doSomeExtra(){
    // Statements to be executed in monitor.

2. Synchronized statements.

It is useful for improving concurrency with fine grained synchronization.

// Synchronizing blocks . Lock will be taken on the current object i.e object used to call the method doStuff().
public void doStuff(){
    // Statements that are not executed in monitor.
    // Statements to be executed in monitor.

Reentrant synchronization 
Allowing a thread to acquire a lock more than once is called Reentrant synchronization. This can happen in a scenario where one synchronized code , directly or indirectly invokes a method that also contains synchronized code , and both the code use the same lock . Without reentrant synchronization , synchronized code would have to take many additional precautions to avoid having a thread cause itself to block . 

Limitations of Synchronization 
Synchronization can only make sure that a shared object can be accessed by one thread at a time . It can not determine order of the usage . Sometimes there is a need to use a common resource in a specific order by multiple threads .

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